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  • 2009
    • July
      • Walking, Talking, and Getting into Trouble
        She is getting into everything, and when she gets caught, smiling her way out of trouble. Check out the new pictures on shutterfly,

    • May
      • 8 months and moving!
        Emma has learned how to pull herself up on EVERYTHING! She loves getting into anything that is within her reach and always has a beautiful smile on her face when you stop her fun :) When we have time, she loves to go swimming when the weather is warm, and still loves it when Mommy takes her for walk

    • April
      • I'm Six months old!
        Well, Emma is 6 months old now and is starting to sit on her own. I just posted some more pictures to shutterfly of the little cutie. Anyway, Emma is attempting to play Xbox 360 right now (seriously, she is holding the controller and pushing buttons), so I've got to go.

        When Emma w

    • March
      • A 5 month update
        With another month behind us, we just can't believe how big Emma is getting. She seems to have more of Daddy's genes than Mommy's since she's not doubling in length like all of the Borgman's did. Emma still fits into her 3 month clothes, although some of them are getting a l

    • February
      • Emma is four months old!!
        I took Emma to her four month check-up and learned that she is doing great! Emma weighed in at 11lbs, 5oz and was 25.5 inches long! She received more of her vaccines, (this time she screamed :() and all-in-all received a good bill of health.
        We've had a lot of fun the last couple of month

  • 2008
    • December
      • 2 month check-up
        Emma went to her 2 month check-up and boy has she grown! She is now 9lbs, 9oz and 23.5 inches long. She has much better control of her head, as you can see from the pictures, and is working on her upper body strength by leaning up on her arms. She is much more alert and very into checking out her su

    • November
      • The first month
        Emma has been at home for a month now and we see so many changes in her personality, and size, already. She is definitely getting bigger. We have to wait another month before we see her doctor again, but the onesies shes been wearing are getting tight in the length. She is really starting to lift an

    • October
      • 2 week update!
        Emma had her two week check up today and we are happy to announce that she now weighs 6lbs and 10oz! She gained a whole pound since her last visit. She was measured at 20.25 inches long and the Dr. says she is doing well. Mommy and Daddy are also doing well, Emma wakes every couple of hours at night

    • September
      • Baby Emma has arrived!
        Baby Emma arrived at 5:28am on Sunday, September 28, 2008. She weighed in at 6 lbs, 4 oz, and 19.5 inches long. :)

        Pictures are available at

    • August
    • July
      • 11 weeks to go!!!
        Now that I'm really starting to finally LOOK pregnant, I'm starting to feel pregnant as well. When I sit down and rest for awhile, she'll start rolling and moving around, also sometime's at night when I'm trying to sleep... I get to see my Doctor every two weeks now and thin

    • May
      • :) New Ultrasound Pictures - 18 Weeks

        Our doctor said that he/she is healthy and the appropriate size. The ultrasound tech had a hard time taking pictures because the baby was so active. The baby weighs 9oz. and already has very long legs and feet!

    • April