The first month 
Emma has been at home for a month now and we see so many changes in her personality, and size, already. She is definitely getting bigger. We have to wait another month before we see her doctor again, but the onesies shes been wearing are getting tight in the length. She is really starting to lift and move her head around, she can hold it up for more than a few seconds, as well as move it from side to side all on her own. She is starting to sleep for stretches of about three hours, but still doesn't like her crib much, and pretty much hates sleeping on her back. Mommy is starting to feel more comfortable taking her out to run errands and such, although it's a lot to do on her own, but enjoys getting out of the apartment.
We had fun taking pictures of her on her first Halloween, although we couldn't take her trick-or-treating yet... We are looking forward to the next month and celebrating her first Thanksgiving with family. Don't forget to check out our link to shutterfly where we have posted a bunch of new pictures!

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