A 5 month update 
With another month behind us, we just can't believe how big Emma is getting. She seems to have more of Daddy's genes than Mommy's since she's not doubling in length like all of the Borgman's did. Emma still fits into her 3 month clothes, although some of them are getting a little short. We're watching her learn how to sit by herself, although she's still a little top heavy, and she can move up onto all fours very easily, but the crawling isn't quite there yet.
Now that the sun is shining more, Emma LOVES going on walks,looking at all the bright colors and the birds flying by. She gets to hang out with her Aunts and Grandma when Mommy and Daddy are working, and we can't thank them enough for all their help. Pretty soon, she will be 1/2 a year old and we can't wait to watch her grow even more!!

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