Emma is four months old!! 
I took Emma to her four month check-up and learned that she is doing great! Emma weighed in at 11lbs, 5oz and was 25.5 inches long! She received more of her vaccines, (this time she screamed :() and all-in-all received a good bill of health.
We've had a lot of fun the last couple of months. With Christmas and New Year's behind us, we're looking forward to what 2009 will bring our family. We enjoy watching Emma grow and get stronger, she can lift and turn her head quite well, but still hasn't figured out how to roll over or sit up. She will scoot around on her belly for a little while, but loses interest rather quickly (she really does enjoy being held...). We can't wait until it warms up a bit more (although it has been near 70 degrees most of the month) so we can take a few trips; Emma really does enjoy being outside.
Mommy is finally getting a bit more sleep, Emma usually only wakes up once during the night now :) and is more alert and awake during the day. With Mommny working again, Daddy gets to spend more time with Emma alone, and that has been quite the learning experience for him. We hope that you head over to our shutterfly site and take a look at the recent pictures of Emma, she's so cute!

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