Baby Emma has arrived! 
Baby Emma arrived at 5:28am on Sunday, September 28, 2008. She weighed in at 6 lbs, 4 oz, and 19.5 inches long. :)

Pictures are available at

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picture of Emma's room 

Above is a picture of Emma's room.

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11 weeks to go!!! 
Now that I'm really starting to finally LOOK pregnant, I'm starting to feel pregnant as well. When I sit down and rest for awhile, she'll start rolling and moving around, also sometime's at night when I'm trying to sleep... I get to see my Doctor every two weeks now and things are still looking great everytime I go!

We have the crib and dresser set up, just waiting for Emma to put them to use. We're all looking forward to my baby shower at the end of the month so that we can see everyone

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:) New Ultrasound Pictures - 18 Weeks 

Our doctor said that he/she is healthy and the appropriate size. The ultrasound tech had a hard time taking pictures because the baby was so active. The baby weighs 9oz. and already has very long legs and feet!

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New Addition to the Family 

Above is the very first picture of the new addition to the Twidale family.

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